
Kako prevrtim nazaj revizije v skladišču

Uporabite okno za prikaz dnevniških zapisov

By far the easiest way to revert the changes from one or more revisions, is to use the revision log dialog.

  1. Izberite datoteko ali mapo, kateri želite povrniti spremembe. Če želite povrniti vse spremembe, izberite vrhnjo datoteko.

  2. Za seznam revizij izberite TortoiseSVNPokaži dnevnik. Mogoče boste morali uporabiti gumb Pokaži vse ali gumb Naslednjih 100, da bi videli revizijo(e), ki vas zanima.

  3. Select the revision you wish to revert. If you want to undo a range of revisions, select the first one and hold the Shift key while selecting the last one. If you want to pick out individual revisions and ranges, use the Ctrl key while selecting revisions. Right click on the selected revision(s), then select Context MenuRevert changes from this revision.

  4. Če želite staro revizijo postaviti za novo revizijo HEAD, kliknite z desnim gumbom na izbrano revizijo in izberite Kontekstni meniPovrni na to revizijo. S tem boste izbrisali vse spremembe, narejene po izbrani reviziji.

Povrnili ste spremembe znotraj delovne kopije. Preverite rezultate in potem objavite spremembe.

Uporabite okno za spajanje

If you want to enter revision numbers as a list, you can use the Merge dialog. The previous method uses merging behind the scenes; this method uses it explicitly.

  1. V delovni kopiji izberite TortoiseSVNSpoji.

  2. In the Merge Type dialog select Merge a range of revisions.

  3. In the From: field enter the full repository URL of your working copy folder. This should come up as the default URL.

  4. In the Revision range to merge field enter the list of revisions to roll back (or use the log dialog to select them as described above).

  5. Make sure the Reverse merge checkbox is checked.

  6. In the Merge options dialog accept the defaults.

  7. Click Merge to complete the merge.

You have reverted the changes within your working copy. Check that the results are as expected, then commit the changes.

Uporabite svndumpfilter

Ker TortoiseSVN nikoli ne izgubi podatkov, revizije, ki ste jih povrnili, še vedno obstajajo v skladišču. Vse, kar ste naredili, je, da ste spremenili zadnjo (HEAD) revizijo na vsebino predhodnje revizije. Če želite, da določene revizije izginejo iz skladišča in da se za njimi izgubi vsaka sled, morate uporabiti bolj drastične ukrepe. Razen v primeru zelo dobrega razloga to ni priporočljivo. Eden od možnih razlogov za uporabo te metode je objava zaupnega dokumenta v javno skladišče.

The only way to remove data from the repository is to use the Subversion command line tool svnadmin. You can find a description of how this works in the Repository Maintenance.

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