
Dodatek C. Uporabni namigi za skrbnike sistema


Namestitev TortoiseSVN preko pravic skupin
Preusmerjanje iskanja najnovejše različice
Nastavljanje okoljske spremenljivke SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK
Onemogočanje kontekstnega menija

Ta dodatek podaja rešitve problemov/vprašanj, ki se lahko pojavijo skrbnikom, ki so zadolženi za namestitev TortoiseSVN na večje število računalnikov.

Namestitev TortoiseSVN preko pravic skupin

Namestitveni program TortoiseSVN je oblike datoteke MSI, kar pomeni, da ne bi smeli imeti nobenih težav pri dodajanju namestitve v pravice skupin (group policies) domenskega kontrolerja.

Dober članek na to temo se nahaja v bazi znanja podjetja Microsoft pod številko 314934:

TortoiseSVN must be installed under Computer Configuration and not under User Configuration. This is because TortoiseSVN needs the CRT and MFC DLLs, which can only be deployed per computer and not per user. If you really must install TortoiseSVN on a per user basis, then you must first install the MFC and CRT package version 12 from Microsoft on each computer you want to install TortoiseSVN as per user.

You can customize the MSI file if you wish so that all your users end up with the same settings. TSVN settings are stored in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TortoiseSVN and general Subversion settings (which affect all Subversion clients) are stored in config files under %APPDATA%\Subversion. If you need help with MSI customization, try one of the MSI transform forums or search the web for MSI transform.

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